Skateboard Art

I was never a kid who drew or spent much time thinking creatively at all until I found my skateboard and later came graffiti & street art and now I find myself 11 years later tying them in together with my new artworks. For a long time I was creating work in the studio that I felt detached from and that can get tiring to say the least, but I had a jigsaw and realised I could make something more of my old scuffed up boards


I started cutting the boards up in September 2019 and I’ve been able to smash out 26 of them, most of which are living in a few different spots around the globe and about 8 of those are hidden away for what I hope will be a big project in the near future. 


It took a while to clean up my lines with the jigsaw, in fact the first skateboard I did cut I made the mistake of using a laminating blade (super fine tooth) I spent a good hour and a half running that jigsaw into the ground.


It seems my mindset for skating bled over into my art with the video edits, everyone was always filming for something, it was usually just crap but having that camera in my pocket didn’t seem to change when I started taking my art seriously. The clip above has a few videos actually overlaid from old times skating around Brisbane. My favourite part has the be the ending frame; all my pals skating down the steps in Melbourne on a random cold night.

More Boards


If you’re interested in getting a skateboard piece of your own simply click the following link: contact page
