Kaspers Magic Ghoul Bus

Live painting from Let’s Go Festival 2019!

This piece was painted as a live interactive mural. Filling the bus from shoulder to shoulder I painted away in the steaming hot sun while this deceivingly huge shell of a bus rocked back and forth to the DJ’s set. Since being in Melbourne I’ve been doing a lot of live painting for events like this. It’s been a really great experience bringing an otherwise bland surface to life while interacting/giving everyone a visual component.

I had spent the past 4 months in Brisbane carving away at a few exhibitions, murals and what ever other creative projects I could get my hands on but after travelling the globe for the past 2 years on a mission to paint as much as possible I had my eyes open to how much more opportunity was out there. This was the place where my love for art began but after hosting my last large scale exhibition it was time to move on and Melbourne was up next.

I wasn’t sure where to start creatively everything was brand new like any other new travel location but the one thing that’s great about Melbourne is it’s mellow alley ways and from a piece I painted in Hosier Lane I had the event manager of the Let’s Go Festival send me a proposal to paint this huge thing with a time limit of 8 hours so I turned up on a mission! When I was informed it was going to transformed into a DJ booth/dance floor I had no idea the challenge ahead of me, soon enough the huge canvas starting rocking back and forth, lucky enough the style piece I went for didn’t need the straightest of lines/extreme attention to detail, I love painting for live events and hope some more come up in the near future in Melbourne.
