A flowing wave themed mural painted in Wodonga during my 6 month mural artist residency
Wave Mural painted on Swim Centre in Wodonga
In 2021 going into 2022 I began a 6 month full time mural artist contract with Wodonga City Council, during this time I was to build each and every project from the ground up including all paper work, permits, designs, confirmations, paint sourcing, painting itself and all other duties it takes to not only create but to facilitate a large scale mural project. During this time I created “Flow” which became one of the 10 murals in town.
This mural was painted on the “Waves Swim Centre” and the wall itself would be seem mostly from the road (from afar) so I decided I wanted to paint a large flowing shape that would be painted in a wave shape so when at a distance you saw the obvious flow and visual although on closer inspection eyes, teeth, flowers, stairs and other elements inspired from my mental health related imagery appear.
When painting murals in more of an abstract nature not only does it make the mural itself stand out from any other which is always a great idea but it makes people see in it and that discussion always leads to a more impactful artwork. I had a group of students point out something to me that was so obvious but I hadn’t seen it before myself which is they thought it was a whale, which I love! The more and more you look the more you can see, or you can just see a wave, either way the outcome for this was just what I wanted.
See this mural come to life here on my youtube channel: Lukas Kasper Painting “Flow” I have also created a full length street art tour of the murals I created during my 6 month mural artist residency in Wodonga, find it here: Lukas Kaspers Wodonga Street Art Tour. Along with this video you can also check out more murals from my Wodonga Mural Artist residency Here
Location: Waves Swim Centre, Wodonga, VIC
Medium: Acrylic & Spray Paint
Client: Wodonga City Council & Waves Swim Centre