Red Crimson
A flowing Red Crimson Rosella themed mural painted in Wodonga during my 6 month mural artist residency
A Red Crimson Rosella Mural
Category: Animals & Nature Murals
In 2021 going into 2022 I began a 6 month full time mural artist contract with Wodonga City Council, during this time I was to build each and every project from the ground up including all paper work, permits, designs, confirmations, paint sourcing, painting itself and all other duties it takes to not only create but to facilitate a large scale mural project. During this time I created “Red Crimson” which became one of the 10 murals in town.
The inspiration for this piece began when adventuring around Wodonga seeing all the beautiful native flora and fauna it had to offer and one that stood out amazingly was the Red Crimson Rosella. With clients unsure as to what they wanted and quite a strange wall with the large window displays I put forth the idea of this huge focal point of the Rosella that would fit perfectly in the possible space and they loved the idea. After a few small colour revisions to get the mural perfect, hiring access equipment, cleaning & priming the wall & finally spray painting the mural we ended up with the final outcome received an incredibly warm welcome which has helped this become a well known location right in the heart of the town of Wodonga.
You can find this mural right in the middle of town on “The Little Lane Cafe” which is located at the entrance of Liverpool Lane.
I’ve created a full length street art tour of the murals I created during my 6 month mural artist residency in Wodonga which includes this mural, find it here: Lukas Kaspers Wodonga Street Art Tour Along with this video you can also check out more murals from my Wodonga Mural Artist residency Here

Location: Little Lane Cafe, Wodonga, VIC
Medium: Acrylic & Spray Paint
Client: Wodonga City Council & Little Lane Cafe