Power Box Mural Painted by Melbourne Mural & Street Artist Lukas Kasper for Melton City Council


A power box mural project painted with Melton City Council inspired by a local community members story

Powerbox Mural in Melton

Category: Community Murals

For this project, I teamed up with local young ambassador Gabe, a young member of the LGBTIQA+ community. Working alongside Gabe, I designed a concept to help bring awareness to the wider community in accepting and celebrating gender diversity.  This concept is expressed through the representation of the two figures wearing masks that reference the transition or transformation of their identities and reference to the LGBTIQA+ flag.

The rich colours correspond to the lines of a rainbow, which is associated with the LGBTIQA+ community, conveying ideas of inclusivity, diversity, acceptance, harmony and pride in our gender diversity in the City of Melton.

Location: 56A Langarna Drive, Kurunjang
Medium: Acrylic
Client: City Of Melton

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